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Blood Root
Blood Root
Common Names: Bloodroot , red puccoon blood root, pauson Tetterwort. Red Pucoon. Red Root. Paucon. Coon Root. Indian Paint. Snakebite. Sweet Slumber.
Botanical Name: Sanguinaria canadensis

Medicinal Uses & Benefits of Bloodroot
* Cancer Prevention * Dental/Oral Care * Skin Care
Properties: * AntiBacterial * Anticarcinogen * Cathartic * Emmenagogue * Expectorant * Poison * Skin Tonic
Parts Used: root

Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) is a perennial, herbaceous flowering shrub native to North America.. Bloodroot owes its name from the bright orange-red juice that comes out of its rhizomes similar to human blood. Bloodroot juice has been largely used by Native Americans as dyes and for variety of medicinal benefits.

Bloodroot is a plant that grows up to 50 cm in height usually with one large multi-lobed green leaf. Bloodroot flowers bloom in early spring, to a white, eight to twelve, cup-shape petals. Bloodroot flowers have bright yellow stamens. The rhizomes that grow under the soil surface can grow to a wide Colony. Bloodroot rhizomes produce a bright red-orange juice. Bloodroot seeds develop to long green pods up to 60 mm in length that ripen before the foliage goes dormant. Bloodroot seeds are round in shape and when ripe is black to orange-red in color.

Bloodroot is used as Insect repellant and as industrial dye.

Bloodroot is used to treat Skin problems. Bloodroot extract contains sanguinarin that has anesthetic, AntiBacterial, Anti-inflammatory and Antifungal properties. Bloodroot is effective in treating Skin conditions such as Warts, Moles, Skin tags and various Skin Inflammations.

Bloodroot is used to treat Respiratory problems: Bloodroot extract in combination with other substances are used in treating Sore throats, Bronchial Infections, Pneumonia, common cold, whooping Cough, Bleeding Lungs and Sinus conditions.

Bloodroot is used for Dental care: Bloodroot has been approved by FDA as toothpaste ingredient. Bloodroot extract has been found to fight Infections like Gingivitis and prevent the formation of cavities, plaque and tartar.

Bloodroot for Cancer treatment: Bloodroot contains Berberine, a substance found to fight Cancer cells. Bloodroot extract are being tested to treat Skin Cancer and brain Tumors.

Bloodroot used to treat Cardiac conditions: Bloodroot is being used by pharmaceuticals as an ingredient for making drugs for Heart problems. Bloodroot is believed to prevent Heart palpitations and can improve blood flow in the body

Bloodroot used as an anesthetic. Bloodroot is used to treat Migraine, body Pains and joint Pains.

Bloodroot is also used to treat Colds, Fever even Liver conditions such as Jaundice.

Bloodroot tea: Boil 1 teaspoon of bloodroot rhizome (roots) to a cup of water. Let it steep for 20 minutes. Drink 3 times daily.

Bloodroot tincture: Take 1-2 ml of the tincture three times a day.

Bloodroot extract or ointment is applied to affected Skin twice a day

Bloodroot Side effects and warnings:
Warning:Bloodroot is a potentially toxic herb and if taken in large doses can be fatal. Bloodroot is not edible.Bloodroot should only be used under the supervision of an herbalist or licensed healthcare professional.Large dose can cause Dizziness, blurring of vision, Vomiting, and Nausea, burning feeling in the Stomach and slowing of Heart beat. If these side effect symptoms occur, seek immediate medical help.Do not use when Pregnant or nursing babies

Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis L.)
Revised 9/06 -- Author Reviewed 9/06 HIL-134
Jackie Greenfield, former Research Assistant, Jeanine M. Davis,
Extension Horticultural Specialist and Kari Brayman, Research Assistant
Department of Horticultural Science
Botanical Information
Bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis L., is a member of the Papaveraceae family. It is a native spring wildflower that grows in rich woodlands of North America from Nova Scotia to Florida and west to Alabama, Arkansas, Nebraska, and Manitoba. It can grow in full sun, but is more often found in semi-shaded, light-wooded areas with moist, Acidic soil. A perennial that grows up to ten inches tall, the plant has a single, basal leaf that can be as wide as eight inches. The flower is located on a separate stalk and is white with a yellow center. Bloodroot is one of the first wildflowers to bloom beginning in late winter and continuing into early spring. The "root", consisting of a thickened rhizome covered with fibrous roots, is known for its reddish-orange color.

Bioactive Components: The main bioactive components of bloodroot are alkaloids, primarily sanguinarine. Others include chelerythrine,berberine, and oxysanguinarine. Sanguinarine is antiSeptic and Anti-inflammatory.

Uses and Treatments: Bloodroot was a traditional medicine used by many American Indian tribes to treat Fever and Rheumatism. Other traditional uses were for treatment of Ulcers, Ringworm, and Skin Infections. It was, and still is, used to produce natural red, orange, and pink dyes.

Currently, bloodroot is being studied for use as an anti-Cancer agent, particularly for the treatment of Skin Cancer, and as a dissolving agent for Skin growths such as Warts. Bloodroot has enjoyed some commercial success in toothpaste and mouthwash as an anti-plaque agent. Internal use of bloodroot, however, is not usually recommended. Germany's Commission E. has no recommended uses of bloodroot at the current time and many herbalists consider bloodroot too toxic to ever be taken internally. An overdose of bloodroot extract can cause Vomiting and loss of consciousness.